A Portrait of Love: Vyeshka’s Legacy with Us

Today, we are taking time out of our hectic schedules to remember our son, Vyeshka. He passed away on this day back in 2019.

Members of his kind have distinct personalities. One of his quirks was sneaking into his sister’s cage while she was off exploring her favorite haunts in our house. This is a photo of him on one of his many forays into her personal space.

In Memory of Our Son on His Birthday






Our son, Vyeshka, was born on this day, October 3, back in 2004. He left this world in 2019, but his spirit is ever with us. He is middle-aged in this photo and was just recovering from one of many surgeries, including a skin graft. Thanks to great doctors, he recovered and went on to spend many more years with us. Here’s to you, my guardian angel!

Byelka: A Tribute to Our Beloved Daughter

Our beautiful daughter, Byelka, died nine years ago today.

We have not forgotten–nor will we ever forget–the joy she brought us in the eleven years and nine months she shared with us. Her spirit, and the spirit of her brother, Vyeshka, watch over us in this life. We find comfort in knowing that when our time comes to leave this world, they will be there to greet us.

Byelka as a Baby

Byelka Growing Up

Byelka Two Months Before Her Death

My Daughter Remembered

In this picture, our beautiful little girl is just one year old. She passed away on June 5, 2015, at the age of 11 years & 9 months. I can’t believe she’s been gone in body so long! It is probably because her spirit continues to watch over us. She’s a guardian angel!

I found an old song that reminds me of her. I just change the girl’s name in the song from “Laura” to “Byelka” 🙂 Bing Videos



Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day gives us an opportunity to reflect on those around us we hold dear. This includes fellow humans as well as other forms of life. Those we love are treasures in our vast world. One of my Valentines took this picture in a flower garden a while back. Nothing shouts “LOVE” like these flowers and waterfall.