Book Review by Rabia Tanveer for Readers’ Favorite on 06/29/2019

The world’s mightiest nation is on the verge of falling apart because of bad leaders who just want the best for themselves and not for their people. While people such as investigative journalist Bob Fullerby and Senator Bradley Seldortin are trying their best to keep their nation afloat, there isn’t much they can do without the Guiding Light. They are desperately trying to find it as the document may have all the answers they are looking for. However, finding the carrier of the document, Leeha Ritsagin, is not easy. She is hidden somewhere and not easily found. What will these men do to fight for the betterment of their people? Can they find the Guiding Light and Leeha Ritsagin?

Toxic Sphere: Volume 2, Liars and Defilers by C. N. Sky turned out to be one heck of a ride. From the very first chapter, the author had my attention. I say the author because you can definitely feel the presence of the author in the narrative and how the story is told. Although I have not read the previous novel in the series, I had no issues in catching up with the characters, understanding what was happening, or being confused about anything in particular. The mystery behind the Guiding Light is great and I enjoyed how the author kept the suspense until the very end. What I loved most about this novel was the fact that I could not guess what would happen in the end or what the climax would be. I enjoyed the characters, I enjoyed the setting and, more than all that, I loved the novel itself. Very entertaining!

Faiths of the World

Lotish Faith:

The Lotish religion is the oldest known surviving faith in the Primary Hemisphere.  Only tribal religions from Togna in the Lost Hemisphere are older.

The Lotish faith is practiced around the world, but it is the predominant faith in Domataland, Izvyona (including the Bakhadaland breakaway region), and Fletchia as well as other surrounding nations.

The primary tenet of the faith is the belief that all things are connected under God.  No one part of creation is greater or lesser than another.

The Holy Triad is the most ancient symbol of the faith, and it represents the elements of God’s creation:

  • The rising sun brings renewal
  • Great mountains bring courage
  • Evergreen forests bring rest
  • Leaf-trees bring wisdom
  • Snakes bring peace
  • Birds bring hope
  • Water – connects all things under God


The symbol of the Holy Triad from “Reflections on the Holy Triad”

Kettish Faith:

The Kettish religion is the fourth oldest religion still practiced in significant numbers today.

It is practiced around the world, and is the predominant religion in Visstel and Antropka.  Until year 1006 of the Enlightened Epoch, it was the largest religious denomination in Cadona.  It is currently the second largest faith in Cadona, and it continues to lose members in that country.

True Followers of God Church:

The True Followers of God Church is the largest religious organization in Cadona.  The religion is just forty years old.  Pastor Leon Walls is one of the founders of the faith, and today he is considered its leader.